Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today the crib was empty waiting for a warm little bundle of fluff. Kryna and I spent the entire day putting the finishing touches on the nursery, decorating and stocking the changing table with diapers. In the evening Momma came to pick up Kryna and take us to dinner. When she was leaving she told me to go directly to bed because if I went into labor in two hours I would be glad I had those two hours of sleep. After dropping me off for the evening as she pulled away from my curb she looked at Kryna and stated "That girls gonna have that baby tonight". I on the other hand did not take my mother's advice. I proceeded to fold laundry and clean up the house for the following two hours. Only after I was somewhat satisfied with the condition of my house did I lay on the sofa to wait Tim to get home from work. I tried to sleep but it was no use so I started watching a rerun of Will & Grace. Needless to say I don't know how it ended. An hour and a half later I was checking into St. John's Mercy Hospital to "have that baby".
I can't say I am proud of this picture but here it is. (note to self, giant pink hospital gown and pink bathrobe NOT flattering)
All set for the Munchkin.
They were relentless(they meaning hospital staff)I was not to rest I was to be up walking.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Hair Cut

"Hair what? You do realize how long it took me to grow what little I have, right?"
"This could be fun, I like paparazzi"
"Oh, oh, hehe, that tickles, Momma."
"Why is Momma getting tense? Am I not supposed to wiggle? This really isn't that much fun after all."
"Maybe even a little scary...Auntieeee!"
"Hmm, there's not much a good Auntie hug won't fix."
"I look pretty dapper with this new hair cut even if I have to say it myself. "

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Women of the Family

I love, love, love this photo. It pretty much tells its own story.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Road Trippin

We are once again safe and sound, back at our cottage on clifford. James weathered the trip very well considering he had to endure 24 hrs strapped down by a five point harness. Mind you they were not in succession but its a lot to ask nonetheless.
The wedding went off with nary a hitch, and there is now one more den Hollander and one less DeMeester in the world. It was all beautiful and quite a lot of fun.
Most of the week's pictures are on my Dad's camera so as soon as I get my hands on them I promise to post some. But for now I just wanted to let you all know that we are safe and sound.