Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Little Man's Room

I'm so excited; I'm finally able to get the little Peanut's things ready for him. I do realize that baby rooms and all these fun things are fairly new inventions, but they have been invented and I'm glad I get to participate in them.
Kryna is on her way to my house, coming home from being a counselor at church camp. She is going to stay a few days to just plain have fun and enjoy the fact that we are sisters and are on the same continent. These are things you learn to appreciate on a whole new level when you're not able to spend that much time in the same country. We are going to paint the Baby's room and set it up just for His Little Majesty. The wall is finished now except one small part needs to have the drywall mud sanded one last time, then it will be ready for its primer; all very exciting to me.
The laundry room is actually a room now; complete with wall, door, and all those wonderful conveniences. Tim is busy working on my pantry closet now. I thought he might not get to it for a while, but when it looked like my pantry things might encroach on his office space the closet started to immediately take form. :) I am very excited about having an actual pantry closet though; it will be so nice to have everything in one place, organized and easily accessible.
Ok, gotta go pick up my sista.


Mrs. P said...

Oh, honey I feel your pain... and pleasure- George was late too, and I had lots of fun getting all his little things arranged... you're doing a GREAT job of hanging in there! When I was at your stage I didn't even have the will to walk more than a few feet at a time.

Anonymous said...

sugar poo! ummm......Sorry i've never been a mom so I don't have any good advice for you :-D
Just sit around and enjoy your last moments of peace (But thats just me, who, won't have kids till yours are in college)

Anonymous said...

she better have kids before that......

When does the next storm move in?

the verifiable word is 'wusceowp'
What do you suppose the definition of that one is?

Anonymous said...

She is the one that said it...not me. *winks* How you feeling honey?? Call me! Or i'll call you....well something.

Anonymous said...

Of course you can be Gamma too. The more Gamma's the better. :)