Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bad Things Happen to Good Babies

Yesterday as it turns out was not the best day for James or me. Tim had to work and I was to take James to his one week check up. At the check up he was to be circumcised. As you can see the day was already not shaping up so well for James. I made it to the Dr.’s office just in time and only slightly frazzled, a little proud of us because this was James and my first trip out alone. I was slightly uneasy about the procedure, but after it was over (I left the room because I knew I’d cry more than him) he seemed to be only slightly unhappy. The Dr. said everything went well, but that he was quite jaundice so he was sending us directly to the hospital to have his Billiruibin (sp) level screened. Poor James, a nip and now he had to endure needles too. Tim met me at the hospital after my first attempt to breastfeed modestly in public (not an easy task for a new mother, I assure you). By this time I was quite exhausted and after they drew his blood James had had enough. His level was very high but we didn’t have to be admitted, just come back for another screening today which was lower. (YaY!) When we got home from the hospital James and I both crashed, it was later that the real horror came. When we woke up it was time for another diaper change and to remove the bandage. While Tim started to remove the gauze James kicked, hitting Tim’s hand, causing the gauze to jerk off which started a whole new round of bleeding. James howled and I went into hysterics, crying uncontrollably, knowing I was a terrible mother. Very providentially Mom and Dad and Bert and Kryna came shortly after. They were just the support I needed (Tim was doing wonderfully, but sometimes there is power in numbers). I am happy to report we are all doing MUCH better today.

I was meaning to post some pics of the baby room earlier but since I went into labor a few hours after we finished it I never got a chance so here they are. Of course I had to throw one in of Mommy's little Peanut too.


Anonymous said...

HEY LANETTE!!! This is Lynette! Loretta just told me you had a blog. I'm really bad at keeping up with all these people and there blogs but I'm really excited that you have one. CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING A MOTHER!! AND TIM A DADDY!!! You guys are so awesome! I miss you! Give James a SMOOTCH!

Anonymous said...

That room is gorgeous! Poor baby.... And mommy....

NPE said...

What a cute room and ADORABLE baby! Congrats! It was definitely an adjustment when I had my first baby. I was very overwhelmed and very hormonal. :) You will persevere, and I am glad that you have your family nearby to support you.

!!!!Congrats Again!!!!!!!!