The Woes of Dyeing
I have been dyeing hair for many years, mine, and everybody else's for that matter. Most of the time it turns out splendidly, but I do have an occasional mishap from time to time. Fortunately the catastrophes have been limited to myself. I have had pink highlights about three times, blue gray hair once and today old, straw yellow. Through the years I have learned many things and I like to think that I have improved, but one thing that I had not encountered before was post pregnancy hair. I set out to dye my hair blonde and add platinum highlights and ended up with old straw. I for the first time in my life went in and got it fixed. I just can't stand that yellow orange color. Nothing spells white trash to me faster. The nice lady said it was not nearly as bad as I thought and actually just ended up foiling in some platinum. She also explained that the reason my color had not turned out as expected was because my hair was so healthy from the pregnancy that it just didn't lift like I was used to before. Anyway...all this to ask...Do you have any hair color gone wrong stories? Do share.
The time you did mine....;-) It was purple...
Oh shut yo mouth, it was MY hair that turned hot pink, not yours. We were supposed to be doing yours and I did't trust it so I tested it on my hair fist. See what a good friend I am and this is how you repay me???
Oh no, you did mine purple before Mandie and Ryans wedding(who are expecting a baby boy by the way, Eric Ryan)
I'm sorry but I still don't believe it. You never had purple hair. If it was did you go get it fixed?? I remember Tabetha made Sonjas a little purple about then. Do you remember the time I was talking about? I just don't believe you would have ever let me touch your hair again had I made it purple. Oh forget I'll just call you an straighten this out. ;0
I'm sorry, but I am going to have to see a picture of the old straw blonde hair. I am having a hard time creating the visual.
I don't have any purple hair stories, my goodness, I didn't even know you could do that! But I've colored once or twice when it was something I bought on sale and the color looked like dark brown and I looked like really an hour later, I colored it again. I swore I would never tell my beutician aunts that...I hope they don't read this! Oh that's right, they don't know how to work a computer..I'm safe
The night before my senior prom, my date and I thought it was the perfect timing to give each other highlights. She did mine; they turned out great and I looked dashing (no, you cannot have a second opinion). I did her hair next. I guess I was not quit as skilled; as there turned out to be several wide, blond stripes, not the desirable streaks, through her hair. She used the comparison of a sunk (her words, not mine).
Ahh...the memories.
Aric, you always look dashing! How do you do that? By the by, if you can't remember your password to your blog, start a new one, I'm tired of this no Aric business. Got it cuz?? Good
Is that why we haven't heard from Aric...good Lord, I thought he fell off the face o the earth right after Thanksgiving! Good to know you are still alive and well, dear cousin...I'm with Nette...we miss you out here in Blogsville!
i accidently dyed my hair deep burgund red the day before valentines day last year....i just left it in until April because I didn't want to damage my hair by dyeing it too much.....i hardly remember it now!
Haha! I can relate oh too well. I have been dying my mop light blonde since I was 13 (now 27). The worst of my many, many experiences was in Germany. I wanted to go the neat, artsy European Red color, and I failed miserably! So, I tried a different red, darker, and that did not work out. Soooo, I tried another color and really screwed up! So, in Switzerland I had a beautician attempt to fix it. The result: BLACK HAIR with GREEN highlights. And, she let me go like that! I then decided one more time bleach my hair. The final result was orange. I came back to the US with orange hair. I ended up having to chop it off, very short, and then had it dyed blonde.
I have learned a lot about hair dying. I think that my postpregnancy hair does not allow for me to get it as light as I once liked! My next attempt will be brown! hmmmm....
Would you update already woman...And no I didn't call the "eh hem's" but you wanted me to mention something when I talked to you last...?
You may dye mine any day. I get to pick the color... :)
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