Thursday, January 24, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Mom, James and I have arived safely at Kryna's house. I was begging the Lord that border crossing would go well. I've never been to Canada before and had pictured that it was a foriegn land. As it turned out crossing the border was less stressful than paying toll during rush hour. Hallelujah! Every 100 Km or so they have these wonderful little service centres much similar to our rest areas only these are complete with gas station, fast food, and of course Tim Hortons. All through our trip I was dieing to stop at one just because, well we don't have them. Every time we came to one James was sleeping, about to sleep, or in the last case he opened his eyes as we whizzed past at a mear 140km. At this point there was only one more service centre before we got to Kryna and I wasn't going to miss it. By the time we rolled up to it our gas tank was empty and I was about to burst seeing as I had been holding it since just over the border. I pulled up to the gas pumps and looked up at the signs, one stating Self Serve and the other I swear said Self. Ok, simple enough. Then I spotted signs above the pumps one said 1/2, the other 3/4. What? 1/2 self serve! What is 3/4 self serve? Moooooommm! Oh wait...oh no, never mind. As I tried to hide what had just happened, Mom burst out, almost histerical. Yes, the signs were for pump 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. Ok, so we have those in the States too but how was I to know most everything is the same in Canada.


lauri said...

Oh girl, when I lived in WA I brought Lisa to the airport in Vancouver. Took me 3 hours to get home, I could not find the border! Canada scares me to drive in...but it looks like you made out chicks are better folk than I!

Jayne said...

Oh my mom has said to us so many time as we were growing up...I'm sorry your so dumb! Ha...Ha...Ha...thank you for sharing that, I laugh because I would do the exact same thing! I needed a good laugh. =)

Mike and Belinda said...

Glad you made it - have a great time and remember to share some pics - love ya all, Belinda

Wubben World said...

How fun to take a road trip!! How long of drive is that for you? Have a great time and be sure to fill us in on the details of the return trip! :)

Becky said...

You make me laugh! We live only about 5 minutes from the border and I hate going over it. Have a great time.

amanda_nicole said...

oh my, that was too funny. I probably would’ve been the same! Hope you enjoy the frigid north!

Anonymous said...

whats up net this is patrick, thats freakin funny!

Kryna said...

New post please!!!!