Thursday, December 27, 2007

What's in a Name?

In Harrison, my hometown, recently there opened a business called Haute Dog Boutique. Shortly there after this Haute Dog Boutique closed its doors. I can't help but think that the hot pink signage and the pretentiously witty name had something to do with its early demise. In this same town we have a very cute little store by the name of Groomingdales. This store boasts of similar items and services as the Haute Dog Boutique, yet it seems to have no trouble keeping its doors open. This furthers my suspisions of the power of a name. How much more important a name must be when attatched to a human being. I have never understood it but there seems to be a real conection between a person's name and thier personality. I know you're thinking "no, no, its thier upbringing and dna". While I agree, very seldom do I meet someone and think that thier name does not suit them. Risky business I tell you, this naming a child. In Tim and my relationship it seems that it is my job to provide the names and his job to veto them. It works. From my research it seems this is the way most couples opperate. At this point we aren't investing a whole lot of thought into it, we'll wait till we know which sex's names to spend our time on.


Just us Belds said...

I say Olivia if its a girl and Jacob or "Jake" if its a boy!
wasn't that easy? have to just pick a few names for each and then when you see baby one if them will just "fit" and you will know that it is right. :)

Kryna said...

It all worked out fine with James! Very cute little shaver!

Jayne said...

I find the need to put in my 2 cents here...I too was the searcher for names when I was pregnant and when I gave the pretty long list to Jeff...he said...they all sound good! What an oaf!!! So, I narrowed it down...I had 2 names for a girl and 1 name for a boy...Madilyn or Dalaynee Jo and Mikah Jeffrey. I then cut out Madilyn because Dalaynee just flowed better with Andrew and Zack...silly, I know, but at least I had it narrowed down and Jeff was happy! I've known others who pick the name based on what the initials will be. All you have to do is hollar the name a few times like you're hollaring at a toddler and then you'll know if it sounds right.

lauri said...

Laura Kay has a nice ring to it, don't ja think?

Becky said...

Names...boys names were always the worst for us (funny, huh!) Both times we went to the hopital with the girls we didn't have boy names picked out. Good luck! Maybe let the blogging world choose?!?