Here are a bunch of pics of the kids taken over the last month or so. We went camping for two days a few weeks ago. It was so much fun. Ellie fell in love with
smores and James fell into the fire pit (Ellie got the better end of this deal) Very providentially James only got a few minor burns, if you look on some of the pics with the gold fish you can see his hands bandaged up. We've been busy with all of you regular summer activities and loving it! Ellie's !st Birthday is next Tuesday. It doesn't seem that long.
Grandma sent a surprise for James and Ellie. They were both very impressed!

We cleaned out the pond in our backyard and Ellie had to test the water. As it turns out she tests the water very similarly to the way I did when I was a child. She would have loved to be submerged if I had let her.

She can now point to her nose and mouth and says thank you.

Here she is so pleased with herself because she is learning how to get out old stains out of her new hand-me-downs.

Can't figure out why Daddy is eating her smore (look closer for her hitler smore stach)

Goldfish we bought from the marina as a distraction from his burns and to put into our pond. Apparently Nemo is in that bucket.

Ellie is a big fan of the Radio Flyer

Napping on our bed in the camper

Mo and Larry

Tim was teaching James how to kick the ball and he was loving it

Thumb+Hopper what more could Ellie want?

Bubbles, James and Ellie both love bubbles.Tim too for that matter. :)

She is such a sweet little girl. She's always happy, just so contented. Even though she's been teething a lot. She now has all but one of her 1yr. molars. A total of 11 teeth.

Riding the flying elaphants just before Bahma left for Florida.

I actually got him wrangled down for a pic with me. He is really developing a big imagination. I don't know why I am surprised. I apparently had a very large imagination when I was a child too. Still do I guess. Pretending is a big part of every day here.

Showing me his favorite of the planters that he helped me plant.
This is my best day since I have been here. I just want to hug then to pieces.
They are growing again and changing so fast.
Am I glad to see a blog from you again. Those little ones have growen again so much .. Eleven teeth! Good for her and a Happpy Birthday.
That looks like a well kept camper. Bet you love it better than a tent. We started out tenting and gradually stepped up to all the bells and whistles.
How is James burns? That could have been much worse. Did your goldfish all live, James?
Your yard-pond and front steps with the flowers all look very nice. You must have baeen a busy mommie.
I am sooooo glad you posted some pictures. I was thinking it would be awhile before I saw any with your mom gone. I really miss you all. I wish you lived closer so we could see you more often. Please keep the pictures coming.
Luv you all and can't wait to see you again! Give Ellie a big birthday hug and kiss for me. She is such a sweetie. And tell James that Oma loves him too.
Grandma, only three out of the six fish made it, we left them in the bucket too long. His burns are doing really well, almost completely healed except for one of them on his hand got a blood blister on it and it hasn't gone away or popped yet. We do love our camper. It was very well cared for and we are going to try to do the same. Its so much nicer than camping. James is very proud of it. We've been doing a fair amount of yard work this year, Tim's really been trying to clean up the back cuz of the ice storm you know.
I've been wanting to head out your way for a visit soon so I'll have to try to figure out a time that works. I wanted Tim to come with me but so far it hasn't worked for him so maybe I'll have to come out alone. Take care, Love you L.
Mom dH, Its so good to see you post too :) Love it! We miss you guys too. I wish we could come visit this summer, it would be fun to go to the lake with you and the kids, they LOVE water. Ellie most of all. Sorry that your Mothers Day card never made it. I guess I won't send one like that again. :) I'll give the kids big hugs and kisses from you and I'll try to do better posting pics. I take lots of them I just have a lot of trouble with our picture program. It locks up on me all of the time...fooey. :) Love you all
Looks like you are off to an awesome summer ahead - have a great time and enjoy - those kids grow up way too fast and soon you will watch them drive off the yard in their own cars - yikes!!
OOOh so cute, poor James and his burns. He was probably trying to tell me about them on the phone...but I couldn't catch it all. Miss you guy so much!
Super cute pics Lanette!! Kids sure do grow up fast don't they? Wow...11 teeth at one? Kaiden didn't get his first tooth until he was 13 months old! She is well on her way....
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