Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Almighty Ab Lounge

Yeah, thats me, see how good I look? Not!

So this year my husband gave me an Ab Lounge for Valentines Day. What did you get? Do you think that was a hint. Subtle huh? No, not really, I had been wanting one for a while. I've been using it a couple of times a day for about a week now. Its actually really fun. Of course I look nothing like Blondie up there but I am getting a lot stronger. Maybe if I give it time I'll look as good as her. Yeah, I'm not counting on it, but a girl can dream. Right? James likes to sit in his Johny Jumper and stare at me like I've gone mad while I use it. I know I'm getting more of a work out than he is. Hmm I think he is still stronger than me, he can balance on his tummy with his hips and chest in the air quite effortlessly. Thats more than I can say ( not that I've really tried. Anyways, I'll keep you posted.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

You go girl. Pretty sweet husband to get you something you really wanted.

Anonymous said...

so yesterday was my first visit to the gym I am now a member of! There are a few machines like "the ab lounge" I am going to wear them out by the end.....
Wanna see who can have the best looking ab's by summer?? Winner gets dinner and a movie? lol.

Anonymous said...

devin got me pens because I always lose mine....