Tuesday, February 19, 2008

18 Month old Artist...

...the sofa is his canvas.Today I was on the phone with Tim and out of the corner of my eye I saw James scribbling on the sofa with something. I didn't think anything about it until he came up to me and said "Here go" handing me an uncapped pen. At this point I realized there may be cause for concern. I told Tim what happened and walked over to the sofa to survey the damage. As I suspected two of the cushions had large areas of "art" on them. Tim asked me if I had spanked him and I had not. I wonder now if I should have. Tim thought I should have but the reason that I didn't was because I wasn't sure he'd understand what was wrong. I wasn't there when it happed which doesn't usually stop me, I think the biggest problem was I was on the phone and therefore there was a delayed reaction. In the end I dragged him over to the sofa with the pen and pointed to the scribbles and the pen and explained he was never to draw on the sofa and not to play with pens. We'll see, if it happens again spanking will be in order.
I took the hairspray to it and hot soapy water and near as I can tell its gone. We'll know for sure when it dries. I have to say the Endurosuede furniture was a great purchase. Nothing that has been spilled, written, or ground into it has not come off. Yay! Ok I'm off to fold clothes and iron, they were the two things on my list for today and I have managed to procrastinate until now, cleaning, baking, making bread, shopping online, and now blogging. I can't put it off any longer, I must reform.


Kryna said...

A little artist at work have we? :) "Here Go!" From a thousand miles away, that is adorable!

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Fun times ahead, Net, fun times ahead.

Just us Belds said...

we have the ultrasuede couch also and it is the best purchase we have ever made (well except the king size bed)just a little soap and water and all is well!
Kyle wrote on our wallpaper one afternoon while he was suppose to be napping it looks alot like James artwork and I have never had the heart to take it off!

Becky said...

Ahhhh! Love it when they decided to add their art anywhere they see fit! :)

lauri said...

Frame that and sell it at the next Family Reunion...I bet the grandparents would bid!