Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Retail Therapy...or Something

Today I headed for Branson (only a 30 min. drive from here, and home to many outlet malls) to "check my traps". I love to shop clearance sales and with spring fast approaching here I knew I needed to get going or all the good stuff would be gone. Mom was busy with Dad so James, myself and Bump headed off to our favorite three stores, Target, Motherhood, and The Children's Place. We had to stop at Target first because the only diaper I possessed was firmly strapped on James' tushie. First things first, you know. After Target James and I shared a Value Meal at MacDonalds which we both enjoyed immensely. From there we headed to Motherhood. Since this Motherhood is an outlet it also sells items from their sister stores Mimi and A Pea in the Pod (a definite bonus if you ask me) as well as damaged merchandise. I abused James' long suffering nature here and spent probably two hours rummaging through all of the racks finding lots of things I needed. You probably think I am playing it fast and loose with the word needed here, but I actually did need stuff. I borrowed almost all of my maternity clothes from my cousin last time so I was pretty ready to get out there and find some maternity clothes. I had a few shirts but no jeans. Now I'm all set...for a while. :) With this out of the way we were free to head to The Children's Place. I always try to buy what clothes I don't get from garage sales a season ahead for James. So we were fall and winter shopping. Once again we hit the jackpot. Most of the fall items were 3.99 which, combined with the 20% off coupons I was toting around, made for a steal. It was so fun, I have a hard time spending money, most of the time I just talk myself out of whatever I'm looking at, but today I didn't instead I made good choices. :) Obviously I had a great day. I hope you aren't all vomiting from the giddiness dripping off this post. I just couldn't help myself. I had to share.


Kryna said...

I want to come!!! That is the coolest. But you know, if I had been there, we would have had to go to Old Navy too.

Just us Belds said...

I love to hear your stories, you are a real original! wish we lived closer!

Unknown said...

Great bargain hunting!

lauri said...

I would love to go shopping with you dear cousin. I love anything on sale...I like to go Good Will shopping too. Sounds like you made out...combine that with your sisters big potatoe deal and you 2 must be making your parents proud!

Unknown said...

You are a girl after my own heart...I love to shop bargains too! That's pretty much the only way I can shop somewhat guilt free! Always lookin' for a deal! :)

Becky said...

Great job. I have to say you (and James) have WAY more patience than I. I don't love a bargain quite enough to patiently scan all the racks. Kudos to you! I need some classes. :)

Jayne said...

Sounds like a great time to me...and bargains to boot! Who could ask for anything more? Way to go!!!