Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making Sense Out of It

It has come to my attention that none of the text that I had with my last post actually posted. I can imagine some of the pictures made little sense without it. What I was trying to say was that ever since James was born he has had a very special bond with his purple bear blanket named Lumpy. Its his best friend. While I was pregnant with Ellie I started looking for a similar toy for her and as it turns out they are harder to find than you might think. I finally found one and it would seem she likes him. We decided to name him Hopper as he looks like a grasshopper brownie. Every time I went to check on her Hopper was in a different spot. As for the naked monster on the sofa...he had his clothes banished because he had two accidents in 15min. he was laying on the sofa and I asked him to look at Momma and he said "No". I asked why not and he said " cuz I nigh nigh" Well why didn't I think of that? I know this is random but at least it will make the last post somewhat more understandable.


Kryna said...

Yeah I think I would pretend sleep too if that happened to me!

Kryna said...

demanding van pics...with munchkins.

lauri said...

I don't care if there are words. I love looking at pics of your kids...they are so cute! I'm not just saying that.... I know cute when I see it