Friday, September 22, 2006

The Latest News

I love my Fuzzi Bunz
Mommy let me have some kicky time before my new diaper. That's always fun.
Last night we all went for a walk and I stayed nice and taosty.
"Hello everyone."

Yesterday Tim’s Dad was taken to the hospital because of severe back pain. He was given pain meds and muscle relaxers and discharged without a diagnosis. He had been having some pain in his back for a few days and his Chiropractor was helping him, after feeling some what better he started being more active only to find himself in the hospital. He is hoping to go back to his Chiropractor as soon as he can since the hospital was of no help. I just thought I would let everyone know so that you could pray for him.
The day before yesterday I got a breast pump. I was very excited because now I can feed James in the car and leave him at Mom’s should I ever need to. I got to use it twice yesterday and last night I decided to sanitize several of the parts by boiling them on the stove. I filled the pot with water, dropped in the plastic pieces, and “set the timer”. At least I thought I set the timer. Probably a good 45 min. later I heard a little sizzle and realized my little pot was still on the stove. I sent Tim to the kitchen with a dash (I was tending to James). Horror of horrors all the water had boiled out of the pot and all that was left was a big melted mess of toxic waste. I was so upset I started crying, but not to worry I got online and Medela sells replacement parts so all is not lost. I’m quite upset about my pan as well, but my dear husband assures me that he should be able to find some kind of wonder cure to remove the plastic coating my pan now sports. I think from now on I will stick to using the dishwasher for all my sanitizing needs.


Mrs. P said...

Wow... I think I can see Tim in his little face in that last picture.

It is hard to know what to do when they cry whenever you set them down. I finally resorted to getting up in the morning, taking a shower, getting dressed and eating, and letting him sob through the whole process. Then I'd carry him around and cuddle till he went to sleep again. Perhaps he's ruined for life, but actually the older he gets, the happier he is by himself. It's a slow process.

Your baby boy is probably just trying to adjust to life on the outside and just like adults, extra cuddles help us deal with the trauma.

You've got a cutie there!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! HAHA, that is hilarious! I mean....umm, sorry you breast pump melted..I think that is the first time I have ever had to say that to someone, lol.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Tim's Dad. Hope there is nothing too serious. Give "Punkie Bunz" a hug from his Auntie!

Anonymous said...

wow I am sorry to hear about the breast pump, sounds like something I have done before with our dinner!
Just comparing Lanettes baby picture to James and at this point I would say they look like siblings!...sorry Tim maybe next month. love ya~

Anonymous said...

This is a cute baby.....
Very ugly breast pump.

Going back a few posts....what Lydia said is true. You can't spoil a newborn. I thing as mothers we get so tired that we actually believe they have ulterior motives floating around in their precious heads, but really....he doesn't thing things like 'ok, mom just sat down for a break and she's not holding me so I'm going to cry'. They only communicate their needs through crying, and if their need happens to be cuddling at the moment, that's what we must do. Not that it's harmful to finish putting on your makeup, going to the bathroom, stirring the soup, vacuuming the floor, etc., etc.....but the notion of letting them 'cry it out' at such a young age? Definitely 'old wives' advice.

ps - as he gets older, (if you haven't already) you'll develop that mommy understanding of his different types of crying, so you'll know what needs immediate attention and what can wait a couple of minutes.

Kryna said...

more posts please!