Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Baby Food For Thought

I'm a good boy...
Cute too..
And just a little mischievous.
Where do they find the help for this place? Really did they have to harvest the oats for my cereal? I'm a hungry boy. Fine I'll wait patiently.
Naps with Dad are the Best!

James is now starting to eat big people food, that is if you call purreed bannanas, apples, peaches, carrots, and sweet potatoes big people food. He has now tried the bannanas and apples, tomorrow night we will try something new. I took time today to make some baby food to have on hand. Hopefully I won't have to feed him much of the comercially pocessed baby food. I've allways had a little phobia about canned baby food; canned baby food and Chef Boyardee. Kelsie was kind enough to make every one at my baby shower sample some of the scariest food (if thats what it really was) imaginable. I really can't imagine giving him something I wouldn't dare eat. Although I have to confess that I have never tried his rice cereal and don't plan on it. Its mixed with formula or breastmilk and that's just more than I can do. It's so fun watching him try his new food. He's very expressive. Tomorrow I promise to try to post on something not baby related. :) See my commitment?


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

If the service is poor at your eating establishment, may I recommend this new place that has only been open a little over four months called, “Grandma’s Place”. I hear that it’s great.

Kryna said...

He is not the baby we took home from the hospital. This is the first time I can't even see any of that in him.

lauri said...

I look forward to your baby-related posts, dear cousin. Keep 'em coming. Jayne and I purused your little boys photos today, she came to my work for lunch...we both agree, he is such a doll...quite a lot of Rozaboom there...sorry Tim...

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! adr