Saturday, May 12, 2007

Boo Boo

James had his first boo boo this week. On Mon. I was painting in the hall way and James was zooming around in his walker. He decided that it might be fun to ram the 6 ft folding wood ladder that I had sitting nearby. So he got a run for it and rammed the bottom of the the ladder. It came toppling over landing squarely on his head before I could grab him. Poor little tiger didn't know what hit him, but he was a real trooper. After the initial scare and pain he was smiling again within a minute. If you look closely on on the picture you can see some of the makings just above his right eye just about in his hairline. He came out pretty much unscathed bearing a new found knowledge of gravity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope James feels better soon!