Thursday, May 24, 2007

Crawdad Days 2007

This past Saturday was Harrison's annual festival "Crawdad Days". Tim and I live only about 8 or 10 blocks from the square and town park so we loaded James into his stroller and trotted down to participate in the fun. Festivals like these are part of the reason I love small towns so much. I love being so close that we can walk. In July they also have a large fireworks display over the lake in the park. Its the reason to live in a small town. You see all of your neighbors and colleagues and everyone has a smile for you.
Here are a few of the sights from the festival:

Its kind of scary that most of the crawdads in this picture are merely shells.

Yum, I kind of wish we had tried some.
The festival mascot.
This is the crawdad eating contest. The man in this picture is last years winner, he ate 21 lbs. of crawdads in the '06 contest.
James found the whole affair very hot, but he did get a balloon tied to his hand and that was worth it.
"Horsies are fun but Momma says I can't have one, she says I have to talk to Uncle A."


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

I've never dared try one of those crawfish. They just look to scary.

Brett Hendrickson said...

I LOVE them mudbugs! I wish we had been there.

lauri said...

I disected one in science class in High School. That's the closet I've ever been. Cousin, you have to find out about Fried Oreo's. That is just too interesting not to know about! Get the recipe! It's got to be good, right?

Kryna said...

Oooh sounds like fuuun!