Monday, March 26, 2007

Every Little Dutch Girl's Dream

Saturday, Mom and I went up to Branson shopping. On the way we stopped at Lowe's for a variety of things (paint samples, swing for James, and miscellaneous items for Dad). I was looking for Mom and some ornamental grass in no particular order when I wandered out to the garden center and to my delight found flats of tulips on clearance. Flats of 15 -20 tulip bulbs originally $10.00 on clearance for a mere 2.50. Being Dutch to the very core I was and still am Thrilled! Cheap Tulips! Does it get any better than that? I raced back into the store to collect a flat shopping buggy and Mom. Back in the garden center I hunted down and purchased two fats each of red, orange, purple, yellow, white, and red and white tulips. It was only after I paid the nice lady at the register that I remembered that I had driven my "smart car". Where, oh where was I going to put all of these flowers, my son, mom, me the stroller and the diaper bag, never mind all of the things we hoped to buy the rest of the day?!? With some careful packing Mom and I managed to squeeze it all in. We did do some trimming on the tulips nearest the curious, pudgy, hands of one darling boy. Although, we wonder how effective the trimming really was, for we are quite certain that the foreign object in the afore mentioned darling boy's mouth upon our arrival home was indeed a tulip leaf. Now, it is plant, plant, plant for me.
There was nary a spec of extra room.
Darling Boy was not phased.
They were even underfoot.
They feel quite welcome here at Cottage on Clifford.


cope21 said...

Looks as if i need to take packing lessons from you all:) They will be a beautiful addition to your home:)

lauri said...

I don't know what's more impressive, all those tulips, or the smiling little boy among them. He looked like he was having the time of his life. I am so glad you bring your camera with you every're my hero!

Tim and Lanette said...

While we did have the camera with us I didn't actually take the pictures till we got home. Can I still be your hero?

Becky said...

Way to go!!! That top picture is great.

lauri said...

....anybody who realizes that this was a Kodak my hero any day of the week.