Friday, June 15, 2007

Spoils of the Day

Almost every Friday and Saturday I load up James and cart him off to all of the garage sales I can find in town. I'm afraid I am addicted. I tell myself that of all the addictions to have this is the way to go, but it is an addiction still. James made out very well today with two pieces of Little Tykes equipment, a car seat, stick horse (complete with hoof beats and neighs), and a footed jammy. I also found an electric ice cream maker and some ribbon/tinsel for my future Christmas tree. All this for under $20.00. How can you go wrong?

Besides going to garage sales James has started his own version of crawling. It gets him around, but it is definitely not your traditional method. He pulls himself around on his tummy half army crawl half frog. It really does a number on his shirts but he loves it cuz now he can follow Momma everywhere, even where his walker can't go. Hmmm...

The laundry basket worked well for today to contain him. I give that about another day. :)


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Good job on the bargains. What a lucky boy.
I have a picture of a certain little girl sitting in a laundry basket with that exact look on her face.

Kryna said...

Hah what a deal!