On Saturday after Tim delivered the mail we left for a holiday in MI. We've been here ever since enjoying the company of family and friends. Tim's Grandpa and Grandma Van Grouw were in for a few days as well. (pictures will be forthcoming) James has not been neglected to say the least.
When I travel I find myself wondering what it would be like to live in the locality I am visiting; more often than not I conclude I would like it immensely, not necessarily better than my current home, but everywhere seems to have its particular draw. My question to you is: Am I happy in whatever situation I am placed or am I discontented and view the grass on the other side of the fence in a brighter shade of green? I do have to say though, a place is only as good as its company, of this one thing I am sure. If nothing else can be said it's a blessing to enjoy wherever you are whenever you're there.