Monday, November 13, 2006

Silly Momma

This week has been designated for settling James into a daily routine, more importantly a desirable routine. The first 10 weeks of his life have been anything but normal so now I am on a mission to help him develop good and necessary habits. He does not approve of naps, I do not approve of his disapproval. He also prefers to sleep with his head turned to the right. I have been keeping a close eye on this and recently noticed that it is getting ever so very slightly flat on that side. So I've now turned into the naptime Nazi. I am trying to establish a routine as follows: feeding, diaper change, reasonable amount of playtime (not play and play and play and play some more till I am so tired that I don't want to play anymore, but now I'm too tired to sleep too) , naptime which will be followed by many repetitions of the same routine. This morning James' had breakfast, diaper change, fun in the swing, story time (it was Frosty the Snowman), kicky time, bath time, nap time. He didn't think nap time was a good idea, but after a brief session of complaining decided it was better to succumb to the routine than fight it. After what I thought was a decent interval I crept into his room to turn his head to the left and snap a picture. This is where my silliness comes in, as soon as I touched his head his eyes popped open and he looked at me with a look as if to say "Ha, I beat the system". Well young man you have not beat the system only taught your mother 15 min. is too soon to come in and straighten your head. Some day he will thank me for being diligent in turning his head so that is doesn't resemble a wedge of cheese.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Maybe you could try proping a rolled up blanket or something on the offending side so he can't turn his head that way. Sounds good but I have no idea if it will work. ;^)

Tim and Lanette said...

Actually I put a little pillow of lavender and chamomile next to the right side of his head to prop it up. We'll see if it works.

Becky said...

Good luck in your endeavor! It's never easy figuring all that stuff out. He'll do great and listen to his mamma perfectly within days, I'm sure! Mine all do! yah, right! :)

mr. aric lee said...

If successful with little James, perhaps you would be so generous as to dictate a regular schedule for me? Much like James, I feel that I am lacking in this area. However, unlike James, no flat spots are developing on my left side :)

Tim and Lanette said...

Hmmm, I get the feeling you all may think I am being a little idealistic, :) but you know what they say..."Shoot for the stars and you'll land among the stars".

Unknown said...

Cute! He is darling.

Anonymous said...

I think my mom maybe did the same thing to me. Laid me on my face, then turned my head to one side, then the other, and then to my back. Maybe it's a first child thing. Then one day she said "Why are you such a blockhead?" :)

Kryna said...

Maybe I can hire you someday. Annie didn't work out so well....

Tim and Lanette said...

My last comment was supposed to be soot for the moon not the stars. What I wrot makes very little sense. Don't start patting me on the back yet. I tried with him very hard today but I think he is comming down with a cold or something like that so it was not a good day to introduce new things. He ended up really needing his Momma toward the end of the day. We'll see how it goes and keep trying.