Saturday, November 11, 2006

Weariness of Heart

Do any of you have it when you want to blog, but not one bone in your body feels like it? If you were to write something it would sound like fingernails on a chalk board. We all have bad days. Sometimes we are perfectly happy to have a bad day and others we hate it. But, alas, nothing we do seems to pull us from the depths of despair, which in the end only frusturates us more. On the days when you aren't content being unhappy it seems like the pain comes in waves. One minute you are almost seeing the sunshine and wham, back to the depths. What a heathen, no one that has been so blessed with such a sweet little boy and amazing family should ever have a bad day, but here I am and there it is.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

You should call your Momma.

Anonymous said...

Or your brother . . . but not before writing posts like this. I think you've missed your calling as a writer. What a probing piece of prose. And while the name of Christ was only implicated, what make this so relevant is that everyone reading this has experienced the like and knows just what (Who) it takes ultimately to swing back up to the level from the low. Thanks for the reflections, adr

Tim and Lanette said...

You really know how to make a girl feel good.

Kryna said...

Or your sister....