Monday, October 16, 2006

Has Anyone Seen My Coat?

Its recently gotten a bit nippy here, enough so to need some sort of jacket or coat. I went to the coat tree to find my winter coat...not there. I trotted off to the closet...not there. Back to the coat tree I went...still not there. I actually (I kid you not) went back to the closet...still no coat(amazingly enough). So now I have looked high and low for this thing and have still not found it. This is the coat I have had since I was fourteen years old. This past winter I decided that I needed to have it dry cleaned, but never did get around to it. Unless I did and that's why I can't find it. It was my favorite coat ever, I planned to wear it till I needed to patch the elbows and then wear it some more. Its black with white stripes in a check pattern, (if that makes any sense) made of wool with toggles instead of buttons, and it has two big square pockets with flaps over the openings. One of the pockets has all the tickets from every movie and concert I have been to while wearig it and the other has the melted remainder of a piece of candy I stored in it a few years back with an earing embeded into it. I told you it needed to be dry cleaned. Anyways it looks like if I don't find it soon I am going to have to start bonding with a new coat. I guess most all things come to an end sooner or later.


Anonymous said...

I remember that poor old coat....I liked it alot. James looks JUST lke Aaron, it's kinda freaky....In a good way of course :-D

Kryna said...

I almost cried when I read this. I do hope you find it.

Mike and Belinda said...

Hey - I am so enjoying seeing all the pictures of James can't wait to spoil him at Thanksgiving time - talk to you later - Auntie Belinda

Tim and Lanette said...

James takes all the spoiling he can get. :) See you soon.

Tim and Lanette said...

lauri, you are so generous. I'll keep looking. :) James is doing much better on the formula...we're going to try nursing again soon. Maybe now I can get the knee high dust off my floors and the mountain of dishes around my sink taken care of. :)