Monday, October 09, 2006

James the Baptized

There’s so much to blog about and so little time.
Our son was baptized yesterday and everything went off with nary a hitch. He only fussed minimally during the babptism. Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Altena came to watch the baptism and visit the little tyke. If I’m not mistaken I think he may have made a special bond with Great Grandma. He thought he could get used to that napping on her chest business.

After baptism we headed out to Grandma and Grandpa R’s house for dinner and to visit before the evening service. I laid James down for a nap and very shortly a series of squawks and gurgles could be heard from his room. I had decided he was fine and could sort his problem out on his own, but this was not satisfactory to Great Grandma and Grandpa R. The louder James got the more dismayed Great Grandma looked and soon Grandpa R. got up from his spot on the couch, heading for the bedroom he announced, “I’ll just go put his binky back in”. I shook my head and assured him it was not necessary. This decision was not met with enthusiasm. After James’ crying momentarily lapsed I went in to settle him; more to ease the minds of those in the living room than for his benefit. Later that evening Dad comes up to me and says, “Once you decide to let him cry you’ll have to just let him and not give in.” I smiled thinking “I gave into you and Grandma A. not James.”  I love it. It’s a whole other side I’ve never seen in my father. Love you Dad.

This morning James visited his pediatrician. We had a nice long talk about colicky babies and the like. He assured me that if there was a nice thing about colicky babies was that it ends usually at 2 months and if not 2 months then 3. The last three days have been much better any way. He still cries from about 6pm-9:30pm, but this is much better than all day. Tomorrow he has an appointment with a Chiropractor so we’ll see if that helps. I’ve heard that it does wonders, and who wouldn’t need to see one after what they have to go through to get into this world. I’d be crabby too.

A great big congratulations to Frank and Sonja Gregg as well as Ryan and Mandi Butler. Frank and Sonja are expecting their third child in June and Ryan and Mandi are expecting their first child in May. We are proud as punch for you and pray all goes well. You are all very blessed.

For some reason I am not able to upload any pictures right now so I promise that I will try to add some this evening. ToodleDoo


Anonymous said...

Hehe, yeah!! An aunt for the third time! I love it!
Two more months till I get to see James, be sure and show him pictures of me and tell him who I am, so he won't be scared.....

Tim and Lanette said...

you think he'd be scared? he's a pretty strapping young lad.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got that confirmation on the colicky stuff. Even tho it seems a long way off it is nice to be able to see the light switch for the light at the end of the tunnel. Your next three probably won't even have colic.

Tim and Lanette said...

What about the 5th one? :)