Friday, August 11, 2006


Thanksgiving '05 Everyone needs a diferent kind of pie and I am happy to supply.
Thanksgiving '05 Its always the man's job to carve the turkey, I cook you carve.

Do any of you just get achey for fall? I do. I love it, it is by far my favorite season. Every year about this time I start going nuts waiting for it to get here. This is mostly because there is just enough hint of it in the air to remind me that it exists and summer will not always reign the earth. Last week I stepped outside my door and there was one of those little leaf storms brewing on the street in front of the house. You know the ones where what leaves have fallen are blowing around with little sense of direction. Those kinds of things can make me happy for a whole day. You should see me the first time they put out the pumpkins. I make a big production of picking out pumpkins, mums and other fall related items and I always feel bad because I know that the ones I leave at the store are hurt that I didn't pick them. Its the same with Christmas trees, but I just can't buy them all. As if fall doesn't have enough reasons for being the best season it brings the promise that the holidays are almost here. Thanksgiving and Christmas have a feel you just can't beat. I thinks its all the family that surronds it. I usually scoff at tradition, but I have to admit during the holidays I'm all about it. Not that tradition has to be old (not that its bad if they are) I think you can make a new tradition any time you feel like it. Anyways thats just what I think.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that sister! It has AWLWAYS been my favorite too. Whenever I get married ( which you think is no time soon, lol ) it will be in the fall for sure....It's a good thing you look good in those colors!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry, that last comment was by me, grrrrrrrrrr....This thing is annoying.

Anonymous said...

Hey speaking of fall, thats when college starts. When do you start and where are you going??