Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Studies have shown that around the 5th month of pregnancy, the female exhibits peculiar and even sometimes irrational behavior around the home. One of the activities associated with this behavior (known as nesting) is the irresistible urge to CLEAN!

While Lanette is a clean person by nature (being Dutch after all) the kind of behavior pictured here is quite out of the ordinary. She attributes her actions to the fact that Zelda/Castro, our cat, is no longer in the house and therefore she is able to clean effectively without having to worry about cat hair being strewn around within five minutes. I personally am not convinced. What I do believe now is that the nesting instinct is NOT, I repeat, IS NOT an urban myth.


Anonymous said...

Haha, you sound like a whole new person! j/k, what on earth are you cleaning in the picture?? It looks like your vacuming the wall???

Anonymous said...

yep I vacuumed the wall a little but in the pic he actually caaught me vacuuming the curtains. Husbands really should warn thier wives before they take pictures so they don't look like ragamuffins in them. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Go Lanette!