Thursday, August 10, 2006

Van Hofwegen Reunion

This past weekend Tim and I flew to Portland, OR for a family reunion. Every three years the Van Hofwegens get together to catch up on everything we've missed about eachother in the last three years. Its amazing the bond you can have with people when you see them little more than three times a decade. The VH clan is my Dad's Mom's family, she was one of two girls out of 13 children. They just don't make families like these any more. This family's ties are a little tighter than most and its awesome. I am extremly proud to be a part of it. Just look at Mom's face and you can see how much fun we all had. :) Tim and I have volunteered to plan the '09 reunion with help from the other Rozeboom grandchildren.
It amazes me and and makes me very thankful when I look over this family. There is an overwhelming sense of Christianity when you are with them. It seems to be a very natural part of thier lives. They don't act as if they are always reminding themselves to say the right things or do what others would have them to do. It actually seems to ooz out of them. I find this very much to be admired. So many times people seem so concerned about convincing others that they are Christians it seems they are actually trying to convince themselves. When really, if they would just live thier lives it is MORE than evident where thier hearts are. Great Grandpa and Grandma VH were very Christian people and I think they would be happy to see the family today. Praise the Lord, He really does keep His promises.


Loretta said...

Put up more pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey, cousin, I loved your comments, and your blog is cool. We did have fun, didn't we? I feel sorry for those in the family who don't make it a priority to come(including my little brother). They are missing out on a lot of fun, good cheer, and a richness of spirit that is very rare, don't you think?