Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Please Explain This to Me

Last December Mom, Dad, Aaron and I went Christmas shopping at an outlet mall in Branson. We were walking along sipping on what we thought was a harmless bottle of water. (little did we know) When we tried to enter the Kitchen Collection we were attacked by this little Nazi of a woman who informed us that if we wanted to shop in her store we must give up our water. We gave her a look of horror and walked directly back out. Now how many of you would expect that an innocent bottle of water could be good cause to turn customers away from a store that carries kitchen utensils? As interesting as all this is it didn't become truly hysterical to me until I recently went clothes shopping with Aaron. Aaron loves quality; quality does not usually come cheap. He buys his clothes at stores that have been in business long enough to have the words "dry goods" in the name. The stores that you can see it being a bonding experience when a father takes his son shopping there for the first time just as his father did with him and his father before him. We enter this store that sells the $800 suit coats (I've bought cars for less) and we are met by two pleasant sales men and the smell of what can only be "dry goods". In the middle of the tables laden with ties are bowls of skittles and other assorted candies for any hungry shopper to enjoy. This is where the real irony comes in...after the quiet salesman offers assistance in finding merchandise he asks "Are you thirsty? We have coke, diet coke, sprite, bottled water (gasp), or a glass of wine perhaps?" An alarm goes off in my head triggering the memory of Christmas. This man is offering us soda right next to the suit coats while the Nazi confiscated our water by the Kitchen Aides. I guess Rachel Lind was right "You're never safe from surprise till you're dead."


Anonymous said...

Wow, you should have thrown the water all over her, maybe she would've melted?? *Evil laugh*

Loretta said...

Good story!